• Kait Bos

    How to wear your spring clothes now!

    I grew up in the Prairies (go riders!) and I always wished for no snow on my birthday which is at the end of March. I never got my wish, not once! When I got older I moved to Ontario […]

    I grew up in the Prairies (go riders!) and I always wished for no snow on my birthday which is at the end of March. I never got my wish, not once! When I got older I moved to Ontario and loved the warmer seasons. Spring is alllllllmost here but online you see cute dresses, and shorts meanwhile in Canada there’s still some snow on the ground. I couldn’t help myself when I found this adorable dress at Target on my recent trip to the states with my husband (full vlog with shopping haul here). When I was shopping, I looked at the dress and thought, “OH MY GOSH SO CUTE!” then, “bah I won’t be able to wear this until April”. It’s hard for me to buy ahead of seasons, I also have a pair of Swedish Hasbeens sandals whispering my name, but we don’t have Target in Canada so I bought the dress hoping I could find a way to wear it now.

    I got home and tried this dress on with everything! It’s one of my favourite things to do with new purchases so I can make sure it goes with everything. Trying everything on can be time consuming but it’s worth it knowing I have solid go-to outfits when I need to rush out the door.

    This outfit is one of my favourites. I’ve had this faux leather jacket for a couple years now. I originally got it from Zara but I have a few other options linked in the “Shop the Post” section below. The Target dress is viscose so it’s not a natural fabric but it’s not a thick polyester so I know I won’t get too hot in it and it feels and flows well- such a boho vibe! My boots are Marc Fisher. I have them in blue as well and I wear them all the time. Over-the-knee boots have become my favourite way to allow me to wear dresses through any season. You can also see them here, and here with jeans. And last but not least my bag is from my new favourite brand, Sezane. It’s the Hope bag and it’s available in a couple colours that are selling out quickly! Shop everything in the carousel below.

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